Australia’s Top 10 highest paying jobs in 2020

Money is not everything.
But it’s still good idea to know how much money you might earn after completing a certain degree or qualification.
The Australian Tax Office (ATO) recently revealed statistics for the highest-paid jobs in Australia based on their average taxable income.
In this guide, we are going to talk about Australia’s top 10 highest paying job in 2020.
It’s important to note that these top 10 jobs are based on average taxable income which means it’s based on average and people might be earning more or less depending upon their skills and experience in the industry.
10. Engineering manager
📄 Field – Engeering
💪🏼 What they do – Engineering Managers are responsible for planning, organising, controlling and coordinating the engineering and technical operations of the business.
💼 Number of professionals working – 25,546
💵 Average Pay – $156,015
📈 Future Growth – Strong
🎓 Qualifications required – Engineering managers will need a bachelor or postgraduate degree in a relevant engineering field. Some engineers might a Certificate or Diploma qualifications as well.
9. Chief executive officer or managing director
📄 Field – Business/ Management
💪🏼 What they do – Chief Executives and Managing Directors are responsible for determining , creating and reviewing the business strategies, policies and programs. They also provide the overall direction and management to the business.
💼 Number of professionals working – 183,483
💵 Average Pay – $170,336
📈 Future Growth – Stable
🎓 Qualifications required – To become a CEO or a managing director, there is no specific need for a formal qualification. But a bachelor’s or masters degree in accounting, business and management field can be highly regarded.
8. Mining engineer
📄 Field – Engineering
💪🏼 What they do – Mining is a huge industry in Australia. The typical role of a mining engineer includes planning, coordinating and directing the extraction of minerals, petroleum and other natural resources from the earth.
💼 Number of professionals working – 8,599
💵 Average Pay – $179,288
📈 Future Growth – Strong
🎓 Qualifications required – To work a mining engineer, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree in engineering with specialisation in mining. Postgraduate degrees are also very useful.
7. Judicial or other legal professionals
📄 Field – Law
💪🏼 What they do – These professionals are responsible for hearing and making judgements on legal matters in courts. They also providing advice based on the law and draft legislations.
💼 Number of professionals working – 3,738
💵 Average Pay – $184,958
📈 Future Growth – Moderate
🎓 Qualifications required – You must complete a Degree in law and been licensed to more than 8 years of practice.
6. Other Medical practitioners
📄 Field – Healthcare
💪🏼 What they do – These include professionals like:
- Dermatologists,
- Emergency Medicine Specialists,
- Obstetricians and Gynaecologists,
- Ophthalmologists, Pathologists,
- Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologists,
- Radiation Oncologists.
Depending on their area of expertise, these professionals are required to treat human illness.
💼 Number of professionals working – 28,406
💵 Average Pay – $215,728
📈 Future Growth – Very Strong
🎓 Qualifications required – You will be required to have a degree in your area of specialisation and a specialist training. A registration with the Medical Board of Australia is a must.
5. Psychiatrist
📄 Field – Healthcare
💪🏼 What they do – Psychiatrists are mental health professionals who specialists in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of various human mental, emotional and behavioural disorders. They can administer medication to patients.
💼 Number of professionals working – 2,950
💵 Average Pay – $225,206
📈 Future Growth – Strong
🎓 Qualifications required – You will be required to complete a medical degree and a training with Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists to become a psychiatrist. You will be required to have a Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency registration.
4. Financial dealer
📄 Field – Finance
💪🏼 What they do – Financial dealers work with clients to conduct market transactions and advise on financial matters.
💼 Number of professionals working – 4,773
💵 Average Pay – $272,895
📈 Future Growth – Stable
🎓 Qualifications required – To become a financial dealer, you will be required to complete a degree in finance, accounting commerce. Some financial dealers might have a vocation qualification only.
3. Internal medicine specialist
📄 Field – Healthcare
💪🏼 What they do -These professionals also known as specialists physicians. They are responsible for diagnoses and treatment of internal human disorders and diseases using specialist testing, diagnostic and medical techniques.
💼 Number of professionals working – 9,191
💵 Average Pay – $301,129
📈 Future Growth – Moderate
🎓 Qualifications required – A medical degree and a fellowship with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.
2. Anaesthetists
📄 Field – Healthcare
💪🏼 What they do – They are usually responsible for managing the levels of anesthetics when the surgery is going on and they have a very important role to play before and after the surgery is over as well. Their primary duty is to make sure that the levels of general or local anesthetic are as per the requirements.
💼 Number of professionals working – 3,334
💵 Average Pay – $382,674
📈 Future Growth – Strong
🎓 Qualifications required – A medical degree is required to become a anaesthetists, followed by 1 year internship, then hospital training as resident doctor. In Australia, an anaesthetist will undergo five years of specialist training with the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.
1. Surgeon
📄 Field – Healthcare
💪🏼 What they do – They are responsible for conducting various surgeries for treating diseases, repairing injuries and appearance. All surgeons begin their training as general surgeons and then have the option to enter into a specialty.
💼 Number of professionals working – 4,064
💵 Average Pay – $402,582
📈 Future Growth – Strong
🎓 Qualifications: A 4-year medical degree and then complete further training with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons before you can specialise as a Surgeon.
Quick Summary

Bonus Job roles earning more than $100,000 per year
1 Dental practitioner – $141707
2 Air transport professionals – $140,435
3 IT Manager- $130,027
4 School Principal – $121685
5 Electrical Engineer – $115,687
6 Train or tram driver $114,296
7 Construction manager – $109,000
8 Advertising and sales manager – $105,451
9 Auditor, company secretary or corporate treasurer – $105,337
10 Computer network professional – $101,202
It is quite clear that healthcare industry related jobs dominates the list of the high paying jobs in Australia.
Please note that COVID-19 has certainly impacted the job market and this data from ATO does not reflect that information.
We also suggest you to check the Job Outlook website for the future growth of these job roles.
What sort of qualifications are you planning to study or currently studying in Australia? We would love to hear back from you in the comments below.
You can also search various courses on our super fast search engine as well.