Australian Universities With Best Graduate Outcomes for 2022: Revealed

International Graduate Outcome Surveys are out!
And they bring in some very interesting results.
This survey is conducted by the QILT (Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching) to measure the international graduate outcomes after their studies in Australia.
This includes average salaries, employment rates, employment outcomes by the universities, undergraduate and post graduate employment outcomes.
Over 36,000 responses were gathered from international students with a response rate of 32.4% for this survey.
In this article, we are going to look at the Top 10 Australian Universities With Best Graduate Outcomes for 2022 and other important information that came out from the report.
Let’s look at them.
Overall Graduate Employability
There is a good news to begin with as there is an increase in overall graduate employability in Australia.
For undergraduates, the 2022 full-time employment rate for international graduates was 57.7 per cent compared to previous years of 43.0% in 2021 and 42.4% in 2020.
For postgraduate course students, the full-time employment has gone from 43.9% in 2021 to 57.9% in 2022.
And for the postgraduate research graduates, it has gone from 69.4% in 2021 to 76.4% in 2022.
Overall, 71.5% of international undergraduates are in employment
In the report, the reason for this increase is attributed to the increase in economic and labour market activities in the year 2022 after a significant downturns in the prior years due to Covid-19 pandemic and weakness in Australian labour market.
While this is a good news but the number are still lower compared to the domestic graduates (which is 78.5% for undergraduates, 89.4% for postgraduate and 84.7% for postgraduate research graduates).
Median Salary of International Students in Australia
The median salary for international graduates increased from $54,300 to $60,000 per year.
Again a very positive result but comparing to domestic graduates median salary of $68,000, it is still lower.
Although the gap between the median salaries between international and domestic graduates has narrowed.
Graduate Employability by Home Country
Graduates from Singapore has the highest full-time employment rates of 70.5% followed by South Korea 63.5%, Hong Kong 63.1% and Malaysia 61.5%
Graduates from Sri Lanka has the lowest full-time employment rate with 51.7%, China 52.4% and Indonesia 52.9%
Postgraduates coursework
Graduates from Philippines has the highest full time employment after completing their postgraduate degrees (Coursework) with 76.9% , followed by graduates from Indonesia 69.7% and Malaysian 66.5%
The lowest full time employment graduates after postgraduates coursework studies are from Bhutan with 51.3% and India 52.3% and Nepal 52.6%,
Postgraduate research
Graduates from China has the highest full-time employment after completing their postgraduate research work 82.2% with Indonesian graduates at second place 82.0% and German graduates at third place 80.8%.
Lowest full-time employment outcomes are for graduates from Nepal 58.7% , Pakistan 60.8% and Bangladesh from 67.1%

Graduate Employability by Study Area
These are the employment outcomes for the international graduates on their study areas.
Top 10 employment outcomes by the study areas
- Pharmacy – 97.3%
- Rehabilitation (e.g. Physiotherapy) – 89.5%
- Medicine – 89.5%
- Teacher education – 83.3%
- Veterinary science – 80.5%
- Tourism, hospitality, personal services, sport and recreation – 71.5%
- Nursing – 65.7%
- Health services and support – 64.8%
- Agriculture and environmental studies – 62.7%
- Social work – 62.2%
Postgraduates coursework
Top 10 employment outcomes by the study areas
- Rehabilitation – 92.9%
- Medicine – 91.9%
- Nursing – 72.4%
- Psychology – 68.1%
- Teacher education – 67.3%
- Law and paralegal studies – 65.5%
- Social work – 63.1%
- Communications – 62.5%
- Architecture and built environment – 61.9%
- Agriculture and environmental studies – 61.8%
Graduate Employment Rates by Institutions
These are the full-time employment outcomes for international graduates based on the universities:
- Avondale University – 66.7%
- James Cook University – 58.6%
- The University of Queensland – 56.1%
- University of New England – 55.6%
- University of New South Wales, University of Southern Queensland and Torrens University – 55.3%
- University of Newcastle – 55.1%
- Murdoch University – 53.4%
- Charles Darwin University – 53.2%
- Monash University, The Australian National University and University of the Sunshine Coast – 52.8%
- Western Sydney University – 50.9%
These are the graduate outcomes for the non-university education institutions (NUHEIs)
- SP Jain School of Management- 80.8%
- TAFE Queensland – 75.6%
- Chisholm Institute – 74.2%
- TAFE South Australia – 72.0%
- Alphacrucis College – 71.0%
- International College of Hotel Management – 70.5%
- Le Cordon Bleu Australia – 63.9%
- Box Hill Institute – 63.2%
- TAFE NSW – 62.0%
- Holmesglen Institute – 60.3%

If you want to read the complete report, please head to QILT website.
If you want to check previous Graduate outcomes, then we suggest to check our article for year 2020 here.