8 Barbecue Etiquette to bring along to an Aussie BBQ

Got invited for a Barbecue? Here are 8 barbecue (BBQ) etiquette that might help you when you are going to an Aussie BBQ:
1. Bring along something
Bring along something either for a drink or to eat. It is usually a good idea to ask the host if they would prefer you to bring along something specific.
Sometimes, hosts may say that you don’t need anything to bring, in that case, you can still bring things like Chocolates, Dessert, Salad, Bottle of Wine, Special dish from your home country, cheese platter, etc or maybe a little gift for the host.
2. Don’t wear formals
Don’t wear too formal clothes like coats, ties, etc. It is perfectly fine to wear shorts and thongs as it a relaxed social event. Leave all your formals at home.
3. Don’t tell the host how to cook
Don’t tell the host how to cook or BBQ as they might take an offense for that unless they ask for your help themselves in that. Also, it is a good idea to compliment and thank the BBQ chef as you would do at any other such occasion.
4. Be a volunteer for help
As much we recommend not to touch BBQ but we do recommend to volunteer to help with the things. Ask your hosts if they need a hand in something. It is always a good idea to offer help then not and usually appreciated by everyone.
5. Bring along some activities
You can bring along some fun activity ideas and things like games or cards etc. Although, most likely you will learn about the backyard cricket as part of the Aussie BBQ tradition.
6. Clean after yourself
Also, it is usually recommended to clean after yourself. Don’t leave your dirty cutlery, cups, and plates hanging around here and there.
7. Leave the unfinished food
It is also good etiquette to leave the unfinished food or drink with the host as a gesture of thanks to the hosts even the one you brought as well. Don’t forget to bring back your utensils though.
8. Don’t forget to socialise
Last but not least, socialise and talk with others as BBQ’s are social events and a great way to network with other people as well. As an international student, it is vital to network with others and a barbecue is one of the places to do so.