The Ultimate List Of 150+ Australian Slang and Phrases

Going to an English-speaking country means being exposed to bizarre slang and coming to Australia is no different.
There are a few Australian slang terms that you should learn to help you navigate daily life, whether you’re planning a trip to Australia, have already arrived, or have lived on this enormous island of beauty for a while.
Even though Australia is an English-speaking country, not knowing the local lingo might put you in an awkward position.
It’s worth noting that most Aussies shorten the bulk of English words. But adapting to Aussie slang and phrases won’t take long.
To help you get by, we’ve compiled a list of Australian slangs and phrases (some of which are used in other English-speaking countries as well).
What are slang and phrases? And when do you use slang?
A small group of words standing together as a conceptual unit is a phrase.
Whereas “unconventional words or phrases that transmit something new or something old freshly” is slang.
Slang is sometimes rude, inconsiderate, and maybe even indecent. So, slang is the informal language or specific terminology a subculture uses.
Slang is often used in everyday conversation. However, informal language should never be used in formal documents or formal discussions and interviews.
Slang, if used correctly (and in the proper context), may help non-native speakers of English in sounding more natural. In addition, it might show that you are proficient in social English.
Among friends, for instance, slang is acceptable. However, if the tone of the conversation is more formal, slang words should be avoided.
Therefore, try to use slang properly, as a natural speaker would. If misused or out of context, it sounds strange and may show that you don’t understand the language.
It might be good for you to see how Australians actually use these slang and phrases before starting using them yourself as you might sound a bit weird with these slangs.
We have compiled a list of the top Australian slangs and phrases used in Australia right here.
Serial No. | Slang | Meaning |
1 | A Cold One / Coldie | It refers to Beer |
2 | Accadacca | Australian band ACDC is referred to as this by Aussies. |
3 | Ace | Excellent |
4 | Aggro | Aggressive or Angry |
5 | Ambo | Ambulance |
6 | Ankle Biter | Used to refer to a child. |
7 | Arvo | Used to refer to afternoon. |
8 | Aussie | Australian |
9 | Aussie Salute | Scaring the flies by waving. |
10 | Avo | Avocado (A fruit) |
11 | Barbie | Barbeque |
12 | Billy | Teapot or some Aussie’s use it to refer to a bong |
13 | Booze Bus | A vehicle of police to catch drunk drivers |
14 | Bottle-O | A place to buy alcohol |
15 | Brekky | Breakfast |
16 | Bring a Plate | Request to participate in a BBQ or a party. |
17 | Banana Bender | An individual from Queensland |
18 | Beauty! | Great! When something positive occurs, especially in sports, the phrase “You Beauty” is often screamed with great emphasis. |
19 | Bloody | Very. To emphasize an argument or a point |
20 | Bloody oath | To say yes or confirm that it is true. |
21 | Bludger | A lazy person dependent on others (sometimes referred to as a “dole bludger” when they rely on the government for support). |
22 | Bogan | A person who lacks sophistication. The Australian version of American rednecks. |
23 | Bored shitless | To tell that he/she is bored. |
24 | Bonzer | Great |
25 | Buggered | Drained |
26 | Bail | To cancel plans. |
27 | Bathers | Swimwear |
28 | Barrack | To support or cheer someone. |
29 | Billabong | Pond in a dried-up riverbed |
30 | Bloke | A man or a guy |
31 | Brolly | Used to refer to an umbrella. |
32 | Bruce | The Aussie Guy |
33 | Buckleys’ Chance. | Almost no chance of happening |
34 | Bush | A place far from civilization |
35 | Bushman’s Alarm clock | A Kookaburra who’s laughing |
36 | BYO | Bring Your Own |
37 | Cab Sav | Cabernet Sauvignon |
38 | Choccy Biccy | Chocolate-flavored biscuits |
39 | Chunder | To vomit. |
40 | Cobber | Someone who’s a very close friend. |
41 | Crack the shits | Getting angry or frustrated with something or someone |
42 | Crikey | Surprise expression |
43 | Cactus | To refer to a thing as broken or dead. |
44 | Cark-It | To say someone to die. |
45 | Choc A Bloc / Cockers | Complete |
46 | Chook | Used to refer to a chicken |
47 | Chrissie | A slang for chirstmas |
48 | Ciggy / Durry | Used to refer to a cigarette. |
49 | Clucky | A maternal feeling |
50 | Cockie | A slang for a cockatoo named the bird |
51 | Corker | Excellent |
52 | Coppers | Used to refer to cops or police officers. |
53 | Crook | Used to refer to someone who’s ill or a criminal. |
54 | Daks | Slang for a trouser |
55 | Dogs Breakfast | Messed up work or a piece. |
56 | Dunny | Washroom or a bathroom |
57 | Docket | A list of items or a bill/receipt |
58 | Dag | An individual who’s a geek or a nerd |
59 | Deadset | To say that it is true. |
60 | Defo | For sure |
61 | Devo | Saddened |
62 | Down Under | Australia |
63 | Drongo | A Dumb or Stupid Person |
64 | Exy | Something expensive |
65 | Esky | Box of ice |
66 | Fairy Floss | It refers to cotton candy |
67 | Flake | Flesh of gummy shark being sold at fish and chips shop |
68 | Frothy | It refers to Beer |
69 | Far out | An exclamatory expression like, Really?! |
70 | Facey | Slang for FB (Facebook) |
71 | Fair Suck of the Sav | To take a risk on someone. |
72 | Fair Dinkum | Genuine |
73 | Fair go | A chance |
74 | Flat out | To describe how much crazily busy he is |
75 | Footy | Aussie Rules Football |
76 | Furphy | Long stories or rumours which are usually improbable |
77 | G’day | Hey or Hi or Hello |
78 | Going off | To explain the reaction of an angry or a sad person. |
79 | Good On Ya | To tell about someone’s good work. |
80 | Grundies | undergarments, usually underwear |
81 | Grog | Liquor, Beer |
82 | Galah | A dumb person called after the annoying Australian bird known for its silly antics and loudness. |
83 | Gnarly | – Great (usually surfers use this slang) |
84 | Grouse | Awesome |
85 | Hungry Jacks | Burger King |
86 | Hard yakka | Emphasizing someone’s hard work |
87 | Heaps | A lot of |
88 | Hoon | Someone who is driving really bad |
89 | Hooroo | Signing off |
90 | Iffy | Taking risks or being unreasonable |
91 | Icy Pole | Ice Lollie, Popsicle |
92 | John Dory | Referring to a gossip |
93 | Joey | Baby kangaroo |
94 | Knickers | Used to refer to female underwear. |
95 | Kangaroos lose in the top paddock (a few) | Someone with a low IQ |
96 | Knock back | Refusal |
97 | Lollies | Sweets |
98 | Legless | A highly drunk individual |
99 | Lappy | Used to refer to a laptop. |
100 | Larrikin | A person who is always up for a joke |
101 | Maccas | McDonald’s |
102 | Manchester | Used to refer to sheets or linen. |
103 | Mate | A friend |
104 | Moolah | Cash |
105 | Mozzie | Mosquito |
106 | Mongrel | A person with some scoundrel qualities |
107 | No Drama | No issue |
108 | No Worries | No issue |
109 | Nuddy / In the Nud | Naked |
110 | Ocker | A person who’s unsophisticated |
111 | Outback | The middle/interior of Australia. |
112 | OZ | Australia |
113 | Pash | To smooch |
114 | Pokies | Gambling Machines |
115 | Pollie | Politician |
116 | Postie | Postman |
117 | Preggo | Pregnant |
118 | Prezzy | Gift |
119 | Rage / Rage on | Party |
120 | Reckon | For sure |
121 | Rego | Registration |
122 | Rellie / Rello | Relatives |
123 | Rock Up | To reach |
124 | Roo | Kangaroo |
125 | Sanger | It refers to a sandwich |
126 | Sickie | Calling sick at work |
127 | Skull / Skol | To down a beer |
128 | Slab | A beer box which usually has 24 beers |
129 | Sheila | Women |
130 | Shout | Turn |
131 | Snag | It refers to a Sausage. |
132 | Stubby | It refers to a beer bottle |
133 | Stubby Holder | It refers to avoiding warming the Beer with your hands. |
134 | Sausage Sizzle | A weekly BBQ event outside Bunning |
135 | Smoko | Smoke break |
136 | Sunnies | Sunglasses |
137 | Ta | Thank you |
138 | Tinny | A beer can or a small boat |
139 | Thongs | Sandals |
140 | Tucker | It refers to food |
141 | True Blue | Real patriotic Australian |
142 | Ute | Pickup truck |
143 | Uey | Making a U-Turn |
144 | Uni | University |
145 | Veggo | Vegetarian |
146 | Veggies | Vegetables |
147 | Veg out | Relax |
148 | VB | Victoria Bitter (Beer Brand) |
149 | Wag | Skipping School |
150 | Whinge | Complain |
151 | Woop Woop | In the middle of nowhere |
152 | Ya | You |
153 | Yous | Plural of the word “You” |
154 | Yakka | Hard work |
155 | Zonked | Exhausted |
Did you enjoy learning these Aussies slang and phrases?
If you’re planning a trip to Australia, remember that the local lingo will be very different and exciting. While most Australians can speak English, they all have unique accents and dialects.
It may be tough to catch what they’re saying in some instances. However, you should be somewhat more equipped now that you know basic Australian slang and phrases. If you think that some important Australian slang or phrases are missing out on this list, then make sure to DM them to us here.
Also, check out the article we covered on some important Australian acronyms here. It would also help you quite a lot on your trip to Australia.