University Rankings
It is vital for overseas students to make an informed decision about their career by choosing the right university when planning to study in Australia. Based on our research conducted from the various world ranking providers, the top three universities in Australia for 2021 are:
- Australian National University – Canberra
- University of Sydney – Sydney
- University of Melbourne – Melbourne
The table below shows the World Ranking of all the Australian Universities based on three very popular ranking websites:
QS World University Ranking
It is an annual publication of the university rankings where the universities are given a rank based on their overall global performance and the subject ranking. You can also compare various universities rankings by student cities, location, employability and many other factors. QS Top universities has been around for more than 15 years now.
Times Higher Education World University Ranking
Since 2004, Times Higher Education has been helping students to make informed decisions by publishing annual data for the university rankings for over 1250 universities worldwide. It measures universities performance on 13 different metrics and the data is audited by private firm (PwC, PricwaterhouseCoopers) to check the authenticity of the rankings.
University City State QS World University Rankings Times Higher Education (THE)
Australian National University Canberra ACT 31 59
University of Sydney Sydney NSW 40 51
University of Melbourne Melbourne VIC 41 31
University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 44 67
University of Queensland Brisbane QLD 46 62
Monash University Melbourne VIC 55 64
University of Western Australia Perth WA 92 139
University of Adelaide Adelaide SA 106 118
University of Technology Sydney Sydney NSW 133 160
University of Wollongong Wollongong NSW 196 201-250
University of Newcastle Newcastle NSW 197 251-300
Macquarie University Sydney NSW 214 195
Queensland University of Technology Brisbane QLD 217 186
Curtin University Perth WA 217 201-250
RMIT University Melbourne VIC 223 301-350
University of South Australia Adelaide SA 295 301-350
Griffith University Gold Coast QLD 303 201-250
University of Tasmania Hobart TAS 308 351-400
Deakin University Geelong VIC 309 251-300
Swinburne University of Technology Melbourne VIC 372 351-400
La Trobe University Melbourne VIC 398 201-250
Bond University Gold Coast QLD 414 501-600
Flinders University Adelaide SA 423 251-300
University of Canberra Canberra ACT 456 184
James Cook University Townsville QLD 462 201-250
Western Sydney University Sydney NSW 474 251-300
Victoria University Melbourne VIC 551-600 351-400
Murdoch University Perth WA 571-580 401-450
CQUniversity Rockhampton QLD 601-650 801-1000
Edith Cowan University Perth WA 651-700 401-500
Charles Darwin University Darwin NT 701-750 501-600
University of Southern Queensland Toowoomba QLD 751-800 601-800
Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga NSW 801-1000 801-1000
University of New England Armidale NSW 801-1000 1000+
Australian Catholic University Sydney NSW 801-1000 251-300
Southern Cross University Lismore NSW 801-1000 501-600
University of the Sunshine Coast Sunshine Coast QLD 801-1000 601-800
University of Notre Dame Australia Fremantle WA 1000+ 1000+
Federation University Australia Ballarat VIC 1000+ 801-1000
Torrens University Australia Adelaide SA 1000+ 1000+
University of Divinity Melbourne VIC 1000+ 1000+
Last Updated: September 2020
Important: “1000+” ranks are given to the universities when no other value has been assigned by these agencies.