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How to stay safe in Australia

Australia is usually a very safe and welcoming country but like in any country it is important to use some common sense to stay safe. Here are few tips for how to stay safe in Australia  

  • Try to avoid being out alone at night
  • Plan your trip to back home. Pre-arrange taxi or your transport.
  • Travel in a group or with friends
  • Keep your bag and belonging close to you
  • Don’t show off your expensive phones or valuables
  • Don’t carry large amount of money with you
  • If possible, leave your valuables at home
  • Always use pedestrian walkways and stay in well lit areas
  • Avoid too dark and secluded areas like parks and alleys

If you face any emergency or life threatening situation, you should take the following steps:

  1. Call 000 from any phone or mobile – it is a free call even from a mobile phone.
  2. Operator will ask you which of the following services you need: Police, Fire or Ambulance.
  3. Tell the emergency service you need to the operator.
  4. If you don’t speak English, just tell the operator your language and wait for instructions.
  5. Answer the questions the operator asks.
  6. Operator will inform the emergency services and guide you though the steps you will need to take before the emergency service arrive at the scene.
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